The United Nations agency Akshay Kumar, mavin of Bollywood, is believed to create films consecutively and mainly to push social causes and raise social awareness alongside his films and he was recently seen doing the packaging for a tobacco company Vimal Elaichi, along with Ajay Devgn and Shahrukh. Khan. Although Ajay has been constantly supporting the team for a long time and Shahrukh also joined the team a few months ago, looking at Akshay constantly, the fans lost their cool and annoyed him a lot.
Akshay Kumar Steps Back as ambassador for Vimal ealichi
The actor recently took to his social media and proclaimed that he is compassionate in endorsing elaichi full and also the effusive reactions of his fans have deeply affected him so he decided to step back in endorsing him. him completely. Akshay was previously seen in advertisements asking people to stay away from cigarettes and use that money for feminine hygiene. To Get Updated with all tech updates, Aaj ka taaja samachar , news etc checkout our blogs.
Akshay Kumar Pledges to Donate his Endorsement fee
In his tweet, he also mentioned donating the entire sponsorship fee to a worthy cause that could run the ad up to the legal limit. "I'm sorry. I may wish to apologize to you, all my fans and supporters. Your reaction in the past few days has deeply affected the American state. While I don't even have and cannot endorse tobacco,I respect the outpouring of your sentiments in light of my association with Vimal Elaichi. In all humility, I take a step back.
I have even made it a point to contribute the full sponsorship fee to a worthy cause. Did you know that Richest Man: Elon Musk Doesn't own a House He said? The full will likely continue to air ads until the statutory contract period that binds to the American state, but I promise to be very conscious in creating my future selections, reciprocally, I will always uplift your love and your needs.”
Akshay Kumar Get’s Trolled For Endorsing Vimal
There is no doubt that people have high hopes for AKshay when it comes to social causes, except that each of the three is honoured with the fourth civilian award in the country. which angered the fans.
Fans said instead of contributing to the development of the country, those artists are promoting the merchandise of Gutkha Company. Several people also urged that his films be boycotted and his Padma Shri award revoked.
Akshay Kumar, during a weekday time of day post, proclaimed via Twitter that he is taking a step back because the ambassador of a pan masala is complete. The actor had been receiving criticism for promoting merchandise. Akshay apologized to his fans and said he was "extremely conscientious in creating future picks."
"I'm sorry. I may wish to apologize to you, all my fans and supporters. Your reaction in the past few days has deeply affected the American state. While I don't even have and cannot endorse tobacco, I respect the outpouring of your sentiments in light of my association with I take a step back. I have even made it a point to contribute the full sponsorship fee to a worthy cause. The full will likely continue to air ads until the statutory contract period that binds to the American state, but I promise to be very conscious in creating my future selections. Reciprocally, I will always increase your love and your needs," Akshay wrote. This is all about today's aaj ka taaja samachar.
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