The Brahmastra team shared a new moving poster for the film on Tuesday, each day ahead of the trailer's release. The poster featured Mouni Roy as Junoon, the Queen of Darkness. The film's producer Karan Johar, director Ayan Mukerji, lead actress Alia Bhatt, and Mouni herself shared the new poster on their Instagram accounts and talked about the role. Web Story- Samrat Prithviraj Ka Box Office Collection According to reports, Mouni, who reportedly, be seen as the antagonist within the movie fighting with Ranbir Kapoor's Shiva for Brahmastra, was seen in a very evil avatar on the poster. Sharing the poster, the actor wrote, "JUNOON. After 5 years of anticipation, the possibility is currently a reality. Kar autoimmune disease sabko vash mein apne, andhere ki rani hai. To get more bollywood updates, breeakings, Mukhya Samchar etc visit out blogs. Brahmastra coup haasil karna, yah Junoon ne thani hai ( She is that the Queen of darkness, the United Nations agency, wil...
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